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Building a Double Slip Switch, by John King
 Read | Write  comments: 12 Posted Thu Feb 07 2002 11:37am
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Step 1 - Create a Diamond Crossing

Press (T) to select the Track option
Press (A) to lay track.

Using the mouse (LMB) click near (1) and complete the track section at (2) by clicking again. From now on, you know how to do this - right? (Fig.03)


Repeat the exercise and create a diamond crossing. Make the sections long because we will want to test our switch with a loco and maybe a couple of cars.

Step 2 - Adding some splines

Press (I) to insert splines.
(If this doesn't work, you may have to select the Splines Button in the Advanced section of the Track menu)

Now place four splines at points (3) (4) (5) and (6) making sure that they are NOT
one on top of the other as clearly shown. If the splines are too close, strange things may happen. If they do, just press (Control Z) to clear the problem and space the splines further apart. (Fig.04)


Step 3 - Creating a by-pass

Press A to lay track.

Place the cursor in the middle of Spline (4) and click the (LMB). Drag the cursor
away from the main diamond and click (LMB) to finish the track section at point(7). (Fig.05)


You could double click here to continue laying track but it's not important.

Step 4 - Finishing the by-pass

Click (LMB) on Spline (7) and the middle of Spline (6). (Fig.06)


Do not attempt to make anything of the design at present. It's rough and ready for a purpose. By making refinements at this stage you'll have nothing but headaches.

What we now have, is a very distorted Double Slip. In the next section we'll add our point levers and do some testing

Picture 5 - Making the next by-pass

We now make an identical link between Splines (3) and (5), but don't forget to place a spline at (9) to give a nice outward curve.

If you slip up, just use (Ctl Z) to undo your errors. You should now have a strange design as shown in this picture. (Fig.07)



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