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Big radius curves and transition curves, by Dr. Norbert Aust (Switchdoc)
 Read | Write  comments: 10 Posted Sun Apr 20 2003 10:47pm
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Starting from the trackend we have we follow the following steps:

- define distant endpoint the circle

- define auxiliary points, at least one for the sake of transition curves and with bends of more than 40 degrees we need more than one.

- define streight piece of track that has to be connected to the distant end of the curve

- lay track

- insert transition curve.

All this sounds a little bit complicated but with some experience it works quite rapid and the result - at least to my views - is worth the trouble.

Now - finally - we start....

Fig.01 shows the trackend we are going to prolong by a curve as we derived from a map or took from our imagination, here radius of 500m (small(!) for the sake of the screenshots in this tut) and deflection angle of 48 degrees.


By the way, I only use pieces of single track not using the double track pieces available in Surveyor. The spacing can easily be maintained by taking mark of the circles showing the splinepoints. If the lines just do not touch the rail of the track alongside, this gives 4 meters distance of centers. If the lines of the circles of two splinepoints of neighboring tracks just merge, this is 5 meters.

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