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hog :: trainz terrain generation tool
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37.4 Kb (19276 downloads)
Released: Nov 30 2002 07:09pm
upgrade for the GUI version, unzip on top of previous version.(v.118 introduces custom height scale, ascii dem importer, saving/loading project settings and some bug fixes)

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62.1 Kb (12884 downloads)
Released: Nov 19 2002 04:13pm
upgrade for v.1.11, both GUI and command line versions. unzip into folder where v.1.oo or later is installed.(v.115 introduces terrain shadow generation)

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31.4 Kb (35271 downloads)
Released: Sep 3 2002 11:38am
early beta. upgrade for v.100. the terrain generating routine will look for its data files in last selected folder. (v.0113 brings back data mode selection and introduces basic height range check)

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54.8 Kb (61504 downloads)
Released: Aug 14 2002 09:17pm
final-release. unzip into folder where v.1.oo is installed. (v.111 introduces terrain filtering)

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1.3 Mb (96503 downloads)
Released: Aug 4 2002 04:02pm
final-release. unzip into folder of your choice. (v.1oo introduces texturing function)


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