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Project Name: Swedish road and scenery pack 1
Project Brief
Leader: tom-sa
Last update: Sun Nov 9 2003, 12:10pm

Project Outline
Category: Scenery
Status: Final Release
Description: This is a pack containing Swedish roads with T-sections, X-sections, bus stop sections, updated Pressbyr�n, garbage bins, bus stops, a street light and stairway sections.

These items should work with SP3, UTC and TRS.

Thanks to:
Jaleel for giving me road meshes and textures to play with, and help with making roads.
Fredrik "Skogen" skog for giving me photos used for making Pressbyr�n textures.
Mats "emges" Strid for asphalt textures and traffic lights used on the roads, and general road help.
Tomas "Chakz0r" Nordenadler for lots of general help and suggestions.

Due to reports of SP3 and UTC users having trouble with the .cdp file, I've added a plain zipped version. Extract to Trainz\world\custom\scenery

Project Media

Nov 8 2003 02:46pm
Project Files - released on: Nov 9 2003 12:08pm
Description: Zip file for those having trouble with the TRS-packed CDP.

Swedish_road_and_scenery_pack_1.cdp - released on: Nov 8 2003 03:40pm
Description: final-release


Number of comments: 5


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