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Scarborough To Grosmont Passenger Service.(LNER Steam)
Nice Peaceful Sunday Morning...The Birds are twittering and the smell of a fine clear day..
You have been assigned to take the first Steam passenger run out of Scarborough..Stopping at the following Stations:
TIMETABLE:(All Times Are Departure Times)
West Ayton.....10:26am
Newton Dale -
You will encounter Various Mixed Traffic along the way,and if your good,and i mean GOOD!!,you may just complete the Scenario without any delays!!.
Scenario Duration: 1hr 25mins approx.
Scenario Runs at twice Normal time.
A set of objects for creating canals. There will be more objects and a set of narrow boats to complement this set.
The objects are designed to be used with a water depth of 7 metres so a reasonably steep bank can be created minimising the visibible margins.
The Lock uses 634 poly's, the Canal wall 8 poly's amd the wall end 14 poly's.
Typisch deutsche Dorfh�user
Version 1.2 of NYCTA subway cars.
NYCTA R32 has some new textures. Cab has control stands and seat. Please read README.TXT file for installation installations.
A mixture of aggregates, ballasts, meadows, gorse, gravel, stone and rubble
This set was very kindly retouched by Paul Isaacs with improvments to tiling and much reduced repetition, it also fixes a duplicate kuid number.
Trainz� Car, Belgium - Wagon Lit (Sleeping Car) 1st Class "Railtour" - Eurofima.
V1.0 Textures by Frank Di Candia (c) 2002
Amtrak AutoTrain Auto Carrier Version 1.
The baseboard count is over 100, and route miles is 42+.
The route is fictional but is based on different sections of actual railroads.
The Lackawanna Cutoff is included, the O&W's Highview Tunnel, part of the New York Central's Water Level Route, and the New York, Susquehanna & Western's line through northwest New Jersey. Read Me & Map is available at site listed on Custom Dispatcher opening screen.
Hope you enjoy this "route" for Trainz
German restaurantcar. Blue and beige TEE-Rheingold livery. High detail.
In the sixties this paintscheme was used by the exclusive TEE trainsets only. Later in the 70's and 80's DB used the same scheme as a 'common' scheme and it wasen't very exclusive anymore. But by then, this and the other TEE-Rheingold cars were all repainted in the TEE red and beige livery. In the TEE consists cars like this was connected next to the barcar making those two functioning as one unit. This way the barcar had kitchen access and was able to serve light meals to its guests and the 'Speisewagen' guests had short way to the after dinner cognac and cigar in the bar. 'Way to travel!
German Compartment car 1'st class. Red and beige Intercity 80 livery.
Repaint of the default coaches in the popular Amtrak paint scheme. New and used versions of the Baggage, Chair and Dome Car. Fits well to the F40PH loco.
The latest update to Supertrain, this version features a lower poly count then any previous versions of the rolling stock, also there are a few new train cars as part of the newest set. A swimming pool car, A movie theater car & A television car, the last one made to look more like the train did on the show itself. I don't know if I'll update the train again or not, as it is it's more ready for My First Trainz Set then any standard version of Trainz.
Version 1.1 of the cars. It has been rerreleaced due because there was no *.pm file included. Recreation of MSTS's Orient Express cars used in the route with the same name. It should include the appropriate files.
Medium Station with platform, light, bench etc... It's based on real station: Narbonne (South France) Platform lenght is around 400m.
Le mod�le 3D de la Gare de Narbonne avec le batiment principal, les quais, la marquise ainsi qu'une grande partie de l'�quipement. Longueur de quai 400m
6 Subway/underpass for the platform: kuid:64819:37202-37203 (needed)
2 s�rie de Passages souterrains (6m ou 8m) qui contiennent trois passages diff�rents: Simple, simple abrit� et double abrit� avec abri central.
Necessitent evidemment les quais du meme style (64819:37202-37203)
Rheingold 1960's livery.
The German 'first-class-only' trainsets 'Rheingold' also had 'Trans Europe Express' status. So in the late sixies the Rheingold paintscheme was changed into the offical TEE colors, red and beige. This one has the original scheme.
I will add some more cars to go with it the next days.
Mordenized 2nd class car of the CFR in the "rapid" livery (red body with a small,white stripe below the windows).
Thanks a lot to Vilem Jansky for making this wonderful car and altering it with me.
kuid 58941:32002
520 poly's
A modern concrete road bridge based on the typical Uk motorway bridge, though similar bridges are found worldwide.
Interurban Trolley/Tram line with a large city that travels from the city to the suburbs. Very eye pleasing scenic layout.
I hope you enjoy!
All custom objects are listed in the readme.
A simple Coca-Cola automat.
First class passenger car Czech Rails
(�esk� Dr�hy - �D).
Manufacturer: VEB Wagonbau Bautzen
German Compartment car 1'st class. Blue and beige TEE-Rheingold livery.
DB E111 Reskinns Pack
Inhalt /Content:
E111 Werbelok "Tanz der Vampire"
E111 Designstudie 1
E111 Orientrot
E111 Designstudie 2
Large turntable, mainly for old steam network style with a 30m bridge swing
NYCTA IRT "7" Flushing route. Not Prototypical. Please read the README.TXT file for instructions.