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This is a reskin of Auran's GP38 into the Erie Lackwanna Scheme.
SOO LINE Collection
This is the maroon and yellow version of the the SOO LINE FA1 Alco
Set Czech Distance Tables for Main Light Signals
3 road signs - square, rectangle, and diamond along with 4 jpg files of a variety of signs to customize for yourself. Gmax files are included.
While doing research for the development of the Greensburg, Indiana NYC Yard�s Coal Dock, I discovered that the coal dock had a very low head Clearance. I seam to remember seeing warning gates in the yard. RR regulations require such gates (Telltails) be placed at a distance of 1000 feet from the low clearance to warn workers walking along the tops of cars of these low clearances. I noticed a construction article in a recent issue of Model Railroader about Telltails and decided to use the one described as my prototype. This is version 2, which includes a more realistic color, reduced polycount and a KUID NUMBER. Hope you can use it on your layout. Let me know if it downloads okay and if possible, e-mail some screen shots.
This is a S4 C&NW, mostly used for swiching within the C&NW. It's a reskin of the CP S4.
This is my first skin so i hope evryone likes it
50 ft boxcar
Empty and loaded 3 foot NG wagon splines
The Shamokin Valley Railroad is a Pennsylvania Short-line belonging to the SEDA-COG JRA, a municipal authority, which administrates approximately 200 mi. of track and eight affiliate railroads; which are: Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad, North Shore Railroad, Stourbridge Railroad, Lycoming Valley Railroad, White Deer & Reading Railroad, Juniata Valley Railroad, Union County Industrial Railroad, and the Wellsboro & Corning Railroad.
This is version 2 of the Alco S2 in MH Lines paint. This engine has an engineer and conductor in the cab. More detail in cab view and animated trucks. Please unistall any previous installs of the Alco S2 to avoid duplicate KUIDs. Read the readme file in the installer!
5 old enamel signs
Canadian National reskin of SD40-2 5153...
Paintshed skin. Requires aar bogey kuid 58422:50129
SOO LINE Collection
This is the red and yellow version of the the SOO LINE FA1 Alco
3 trackside phones 1 signal phone and 2 non signal phone 1 at platform hight
40 ft Boxcar reskinned in the Bangor and Aroostook red, white and blue color scheme using TRAINZ PAINT SHED. TRAINZ PAINT SHED is required.
Beware of the Trains sign
3 Fire Buckets filled with sand on brackets
Canadian Pacific reskin of Auran Trainz SD40-2 based on the Undec-Skin of Drew Dubler (Drucifer).
Be sure to read Wichtig-caution.txt file !
A Cp Rail GP38-2. In the origonal Canadian Pacific Rail paintscheme. Made With Paintshed. V1.0 BETA
Created in Paint Shed
Racing Pigeon basket fits nicely on Jonny's trolly
Canadian Pacific reskin of Auran Trainz SD40-2 based on the Undec-Skin of Drew Dubler (Drucifer).
Be sure to read Wichtig-caution.txt file !
Hi all, bt shelter was great but this is
version 2 , i hope you like it, theres heaps
more scenery on the way.