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UPDATED Reskins for SD 40-2 Providence & Worcester. (TRAINZ)
This is the original color scheme for the Providence and Worcester, SD 40 group of locomotives.
This is a representation of Juniata Valley Railorad SW9. The Juniata Railroad is an associate railroad of the SEDA-COG JRA of Pennsylvania.
This is a TRS2006 6 baseboard town layout for trams, trolley and motor buses. I have been working on this for a while and I have found that it is going to take much more time to place poles, cross wires and hangers so I am making it available without any tracks for anybody who would like to make their own routes. The end baseboards have room for portals, the track in basic portals will change to any track attached to them. If the layout is slow loading or running delete some assets. Any assets missing or with errors will be only scenery items. You are free to distribute this layout with additions or alterations but please acknowledge this original. Requires Flat Roads (0.3m high): http://trainz.luvr.net/filegrab.php?file=/outside/scenery/Roads_110608.cdp
50 ft boxcar
A simple brick and cast iron water tower, typical of those found in the UK. Built to complement WSshed1 though not based on any actual building on the site.
This is a copy of a Bachman HO Model. The Bachman model is actually a 70 ton GE switcher. But not having one of those I reproduced it as an SW-7. This may not be "true to life" but it's a fun model. Happy Switching!!!!!
2 Wagon splines to fill your empty sidings
40ft New Haven Boxcar single door
Lehigh Valley SW-7 road number 220. This unit first saw production with the Valley in 1950.
3 bay covered hopper
Wisconsin Central
Point opperating rods to attach ground frame and signal boxes to points
English Welsh Scottish Railway
Model: Class 37
Horsepower: 1750 @ 850rpm
Engine: English Electric 12-cyl pressure charged
Max.Speed: 80 mph
Built: 1960-1965
Class 37 Model By David Dallaston (PikkaBird)
EWS Reskin By Mark Hodgkinson 12/09/02
Reskins for F7 Chicago & NorthWestern A and B Unit. (TRAINZ)
Put on your shades for these extremely bright yellow and dark green units, a favorite of the "Windy City" and midwestern community. This is another very flashy set of colors for the F7 group of locomotives.
50 Ft. Rib Boxcar Grand Trunk Western 598028
TPW 40ft Boxcar
This is the SD40-2 V&O 3063 Trainz loco modification for Nkpellegrino's reskin original (3060) and modified by Me2or3 (3063).
Paintshed skin of MK1 Staff Coach in yellow
This is a special offer to our norwegian friends. The folder contains a station sign used in Norway.
Also, there is a platform number sign, adjusted about 3 m above ground to be fixed at lamps etc.
You can write on the signs by clicking the questionmark and then the sign as usual in Trainz.
40 ft ADM Boxcar
it s a pub of fast and furious 2.
this pack content 2 objects:
-1 st elevated
-2 nd elevated with 2 foot
Real recorded hornsound for the NSW 44 Class Diesel Locomotive. Recorded from 4403 of the Lachlan Valley Railway.
EL 40ft Boxcar
Three ticket barriers: one with gate on one side, one with gates on both sides, and a group of barriers. Enjoy :-)