Available are downloads contributed to the site by Trainz enthsiasts from around the world. Most recent ones are listed at the top of each section,
with the icon representing additions in the last 4 days.
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Here is a new Waterfall textureThe zip file contains a read me on how to use, please read.
Just unzip to Trainz/Custom/Ground and the files will be installed in their folders,
Alan Campbell. (MATE)
Tenderlok BR 95 Deutsche Reichsbahn, �lhauptfeuerung
German Airportexpressets V2.0, contains two Germanairportexpresssets the one known from here as update/ Final and the first Germanairportexpresstrain from Mannheim to FFM Airport
2 German Intercity cars, type Bpmbkz291/Bpmz291. 1 'snackpoint' and 1 ordinary 2'nd class open seating version. DB's newest "Reise&Touristik" livery.
This has a new yard in yonder and updated track grades, enjoy. This route is freeware and can not be sold.E mail me and tell me what you think of the route.
French Hornsound for TGV
Son de sirene Francais pour le TGV...
By MegadetH
Licence :
Ceci a ete cree par megadeth. Toutes copie non demande sera sanctionne grave!!! et Plus....
nouvelle cat�naire sncf (and all tracks)
German Inter-city chair car, 2'nd class.
Type: Bpmz293, DB IC90 livery.
German Inter-city chair car, 1'st class.
Type: Avmz107, DB IC90 livery.
Gundabri is a compact Australian themed layout excellent for an any kind of use.
he fabulous Clinchfield Project, version 2. RuUn 100 car or larger trains across the Clinchfield from Elkhorn City, KY to Starnes, VA in this version. Or switch huge coal trains into the various coal tipples scattered throughout the project! This version also includes a logging branch. For those who HAVE NOT downloaded version 1 and find missing textures when you install the project, go to the URL below then to the download page to get the missing textures. ENJOY, and your feedback is requested.
John Keenan
Version 1.1 of the cars. It has been rerreleaced due because there was no *.pm file included. Recreation of MSTS's Orient Express cars used in the route with the same name. It should include the appropriate files.
Here is a reskin of the Autorail X4600 into a X4750.
The livery is the yellow livery, Lorraine region.
This package contains the engine and the trailer, the hornsound is in the X4600 package.
This autorail is also available from my website :
A totally fictional 60-baseboard map with 78km of double track set in typical UK rural countryside. The 3 levels with connecting ramps and reversing loops allow for long continuous runs with multiple consists. Over 200 trackside cameras and an extra 77 invisible junction cams provide continuous viewing coverage.
This SP3-compliant version has removed all 3rd party content to permit simple installation and improve frame rates. Although the track layout is unchanged, signals have been named for scenario creation. A track layout diagram is included.
Diesel-hydraulic locomotive type LDH1250, used by the Romanian Railways (CFR) for shunting and light passenger and freight transports.
City Module. Uses Auran entry and exit baseboards. Has a city and a suburb divided by a river valley. The tracks cross on the Prince Edward Viaduct. Should be a good addition to your module collection.
Union Pacific EMD SD90MAC-H Locomotive
Textures For Wather,Wather Canals you must skil great and radius smal , cultivation of grain,
Problems E- Mail [email protected],
Hompage http://www.geocities.com/lotharhake/TRAINZ.html
German Speed-signs Lf2, Lf3, Lf5, Lf7, Lf1/2 and Announcements of Speed signs Lf1, Lf4, Lf6.
for Mainlines, Branchlines, and as Bonus the P and the L- Plate for railroadcrossings. (all Signs with full functionality under UTC)
Deutsche Geschwindigkeitssignale inklusive Ank�ndigung LF1 - Lf7 + Lf1/2 und als Bonus die P und die L- Tafel. (alle Schilder mit Funktion unter UTC)
A kit consisting of 169 objects to construct
German style catenaries. Please make sure
to read the included tutorial after installation.
This is a small part of the CSX route thats goes from New Castle pa to chicago.this route cannot be distributed with out my permission.This ruote can not be used for retail purposes!
This is the third version of the modernised EAD.
This livery is the green TER, region Picardie.
This package contains the engine and the trailer, the hornsound is in the original X4600 package.
This file is also available on my site :
tune_trainz is a small tool to set data in the settings / tuning.dat file. There are 12 numericals, two of which controll draw distance for ground and scenery.
This tool allows to access the data in simple numerical format (no need to use hex numbers).
Details are given in readme.txt. Be sure to read this carefully before manipulating your tuning.dat file on your disc.
Credit: The screenshot is from Brummel's layout of the Alps, you will find it when you follow the German link.
Mordenized 1st class car of the CFR in the "rapid" livery (red body with a small,white stripe below the windows).
Thanks a lot to Vilem Jansky for making this wonderful car and altering it with me.
I created track templates to help you place straight and curved tracks on your layout as accurately as possible. Unzip the tracktemplate.zip file to an empty folder and follow instructions in readme.txt file for installation of track templates and tutorial.