Available are downloads contributed to the site by Trainz enthsiasts from around the world. Most recent ones are listed at the top of each section,
with the icon representing additions in the last 4 days.
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Currently displaying
Pennsylvania Railroad class EF15a F7 A-B pair in DGLE single stripe. Numbers 9774 and 9792B.
Paintshed GIMP reskin.
Section Shantie
Set Czech Distance Tables for Light Signals
Czech Levers Switch
Covered hopper
Splined Ash Pit to fit any track
This is an UDATED VERSION of the NYC Coal Dock that was located in Greensburg, Indiana. It was first uploaded to LUVR on March 18th. Between March 18 and today, there have been nearly 1000 downloads. The coal dock was my first project, therefore I decided to modify the it when I assigned the KUID number.
I discovered the Coal Dock was built in 1912 as a cost of $17,511 dollars and had a capacity of 500 tons. I am not sure when it was demolished, but I think it was in the mid to late 1960�s. I took the photo in the image in 1957 while in high school.
The UPGRADE has some additional detail with the polycount nearly cut in half from the original project. I also converted some of the textures from a 256 to a 64x64 aspect image. Both changes should help frame rates. There is a SAND DRYING HOUSE and a COAL DOCK POWER HOUSE that goes with this object uploaded on March 26th and 29th. Those objects will also be modified and uploaded with in two or three days. Let know ASAP if you have any problems.
This is version 2 of the Alco S2 in Nickel Plate Road paint. This engine has an engineer and conductor in the cab. More detail in cab view and animated trucks. Please unistall any previous installs of the Alco S2 to avoid duplicate KUIDs. Read the readme file in the installer!
There seems to be a shortage of stock cars for TRAINZ. Well, we're going to fix that. Here is the first of several I'll be uploading. This is a MILW Road 40' stock car, created with paint shed. You must have Paint Shed installed to use. ENJOY!
covered hopper
A 60's TV Star Trek Federation Shuttlecraft
40 ft boxcar Western Pacific 19537
Paint Shed 2004 does not give a kuid number
An NOHF Zinc/Copper Concentrate Wagon.
This wagon will require the animated 33x68 inch bogies from realsquash
Trainz� Car, Italy - FS Trans Europ Express - Dining Car 2nd class - Eurofima
Gran Comfort Car used in the Trans Europ Express trains in Italy during the period 1972 - 1977, showing the old Ivory and red colors.
TEE - Trans Europ Express Trains were strictly First Class trains with mandatory seat reservation.
V2.0 Textures by Frank Di Candia (c) February 2002
Three NS Plan E passenger cars, in 1970s - early 1980s livery, before being scrapped. There are first and second class cars and a second class car with advertisement bars in this pack.
WaterWorld Demo
For those who hanker after "Ships moving on water", try this...
Follow the instructions in WaterWorldReadme.txt for installation.
Requires "Source Files" from Trainz Download Station for track component.
Initial Release v1.0
This is a repackaged copy of Russ "BooGieMaN" Rogers' crates and skid. As Russ is no longer producing custom content, he has given me permission to assign my own kuid to them. These are now ready for SP3.
The D9 Series of Locvomotives where all built around the class 55...so I decided to re-create Ssomething a little special...The "Royal Scots Grey" in her Dark Green Livery as she was in 1999...then the colour livery changed to a more eyecatching Br Green..this Loco is one of the few that still work the mainline in the UK today...especially on Excursions and can be regurly seen at Crewe on a weekend..ENJOY!
This is version 1 and is the final version in this Livery...next will be version 2 in the Br Green.
You Need Paintshed v1.3(Build 277) for this Loco to work....Have Fun!
Denver and Rio Grande Western F7 B unit in post 1961 paint scheme.
FBL PaintShed F7 A B.
Denver and Rio Grande Western F7 B unit in 1950's paint scheme
Trainz� Car, Italy - FS Trans Europ Express - Dining Car - Eurofima
Gran Comfort Car used in the Trans Europ Express trains in Italy during the period 1972 - 1977, showing the old Ivory and red colors.
TEE - Trans Europ Express Trains were strictly First Class trains with mandatory seat reservation.
V2.0 Textures by Frank Di Candia (c) February 2002
Pennsylvania Railroad class EF15a F7 A-B pair in DGLE single stripe. Numbers 9661 and 9672B. Paintshed GIMP reskin.