Available are downloads contributed to the site by Trainz enthsiasts from around the world. Most recent ones are listed at the top of each section,
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Here is a joint production from Exapoltic and Gregsd. This is our french Autorail X4600 (DMU), its trailor and the hornsound. Meshes are by Exapoltic, and the textures and the hornsound by Gregsd.
The DMU will also be available from ElDwane's website : http://trainz-factory.fr.st/ and from mine : http://www.gregsdworld.fr.st
Japanese Diesel Locomotive
NBC's Supertrain, turned into a Trainz model, first of two files, this first file contains the actual rolling stock, the 2nd file will contain the tracks to use with the train as well as the bogies for the rolling stock as well.
Been working on this off and on over the past few years, finaly made some headway on it to release it to the general public.
Rame complete du TGV SE R�nov� de la SNCF.
French consist. TGV SE Renovation
By Megadeth
This is my 2nd layout its been updated from the last one. The line goes from the city of Exeter to the seaside town of Dawlish. For updates on this layout go to www.freewebs.com/madfortrainz2004
This is also on the DLS as East Devon.
Textures for water and gravel paths. Usable also on slopes. Developed especially for texturing the Marias Pass Route. More textures will follow
Modell of the freight train - Steam Loco BR 44 of the "Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft"
- detailed full animated Heusinger steering
- valid steamloco - typical Cab
- realistic steamsound
- realistic hornsound
- transparent windows with view at the Cab
- coal tender
some data:
Number 44 134
Built 1926
Length 22620mm
Width 3,045mm
Weight 110t
Type 1'E h3
Top Speed 80km/h
Power 1910 PSi
this pack contains textures for you to apply on your 3D objects from Gmax, Lightware and 3DSM...
All files 1024*768 and 16M colors for better quality.
The old favourite Chalkdale layout set in the rural UK is now fully electrified. Also now includes flight paths for viewing the layout from balloon/helicopter plus ship paths on the waterways. Extra track includes an additonal ramp, a tunnel reversing loop, a single track spur line to the Blue Sky Lime quarry and reversing switches at several stations. AI consists will now stop at each station using selectable invisible junctions.
This UTC-compliant version uses only default scenery objects - no extra downloads are required.
3rd module of the Marias Pass layout. Designed for merging with the MP 2 module. Covers the route from Meriwether to Shelby partially including the Sweet Grass branch lines. Now including mileposts but still undecorated. For further information (custom content etc.) pleas contact my website:
This the second version of the french Calvados layout.
3 electrified lines, 9 autonomic traction lines, 3 industrial/private lines, 8 main stations, 30 secondary stations, 3 depots, 10 goods yard, 3 industrial harbours, 2 marina, dozens of cities and villages, tunnels, viaducs, plains, marsh.
And an entire new section of line, 30km of "bocage normand"...
River and Beach Splines for building rivers, creeks and shorelines. Included are also complementary textures for beaches and see water. The river splines are with 2 to 100 m width. In surveyor you find them under scenery/splines/Germany/river or beach. The textures under Marias Pass. You will need also the package "Marias Pass Texturen 2"
A shunting and banking loco used on the NSW system
Tis packs contains textures for you to apply on your 3D objects.
All in 1024*678 and 16M colors for better quality
Fictional layout made to showcase Austin316Hockey's Prince Edwards Viaduct. I merged 3 of my other layouts make it interesting.
tgv "la poste". voir le fichier "install".paintshed indispensable.
TGV "the post office". to see the file "install".paintshed essential.
This is the second version of the R�as Baixas. This new version includes the line Redondela-Arbo.
I have repaired the problems of the old version, and i make 30km of new railroad too.
Pontevedra and Vigo have been remaked, and the sings work.(i think) O_�!!!
About 1 hour of driving.
For the next version i�ll trie to make the line Arbo-Orense-Monforte de Lemos.
May the force be with you!!!!!!!
German open seating coach 2'nd class. Type Bpmz 291. InterRegio 90 livery.
Version 1.0 of my CTA "L" Cars. Dependecies are available from the DLS.
This the 1st Add-on for my Calvados layout, the layout has been updated to welcome the main layout. The layout has the following features: 1 electrified lines, 3 autonomic traction lines, 1 industrial/private lines, 2 main stations, 5 secondary stations, 2 depots, 3 goods yard, dozens of cities and villages, tunnels, viaducs,
***ONLY FOR SP3***
Here is the last reskin of the 4751, the Provence, Alpes et C�tes d'Azur livery, the red one.
The train has the amrs of the City of Marseille.
The file is also available on my site :
This layout for TRS2004
German Inter-city chair car, 1'st class.
Type: Apmz121, DB IC90 livery.
Sp3 build 277. Obb aliased reskin
German Inter-city restaurant car.
Type: Wrmh132, DB IC90 livery.