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Mod4 is a four-panel add-on with an east-west connector six squares down from the north. This is a larger layout with an industrial complex by the southern ocean. George helped me make part of the map. Can you tell?
The NCDOT GP40H-2 #1792 the City of Raleigh!!!
Ohio Central Rail Demo.This part of the route is for free and the othere part will be for sale.For more Info about the Ohio Central and more great routes such as the CSXT New Castle Sub,CQPA short Line Conrail Johnstown route, CSX's Chicago Line (Buffalo, NY-Selkirk, NY) and the FBLV3 go to
It's a model of railroads in city Lodz (Poland). Unfortunetly in some places are some incorrects, but if you have never been in Lodz they're not serious faults. This layout is unfinished and it is only main track between stations: Lodz Fabryczna (Lodz Industrial), Lodz Niciarniana (Lodz Textile) and Lodz Widzew. There is some less importants rails: to "Geant" hipermarket (this track is going on hill) and abandoned factory (near Lodz Textile station). Two double track going on left and right are going to other station, not exist on the map. If you want you can build there some own rails and objects or wait to 1st August for new Lodz stations and tracks. Mayby they're be earlier. Be carefuly. Two siding on Lodz Widzew are dangerous. Don't use them for consist with long carts. Better use main track. Good fun!
Castle parts to make your own Castles
Modelle wurden mit Paintshed erstellt und iPhoto Plus4 vervollstaendigt.
A complete authentic train package from the South German SKW Trostberg Company, containing one switcher Koef and four special freight wagons.
Trainz� Car, France - SNCF Corail - Dining Car - Eurofima
V2.0 Textures by Frank Di Candia (c) February 2002
Single and Double track Farm Crossing
Very small railroad operating in the central part of Pennsylvania, USA.
Conwy Rail Bridge North Wales UK
Revised Copy of the April 7 Posted Object.
Stockman's Feed Mill is part of a period railroad yard located in Greensburg, located half way between Indianapolis and Cincinnati. This mill was build in the late 1980�s and was the first large feed mill in the area. This yare was (today only a single track branch line) a major hub of NYC activity moving livestock, grain and some timber, I am not sure, but it was said that between 10 and 15 passenger trains (the most famous, THE JAMES WICOM RILIGH) passed through Greensburg daily. My purpose is to recreate this yard as I remember it as a young boy. I my efforts are worthwhile; I plan to donate a copy of TRAINZ and the NYC central yard to the Greensburg Historical Society. My overall goal, ambitious as it is, it to build a line connecting Greensburg, North Vernon, Madison, Lawrenceburg Junction and Rushville Indiana. As of now, I will only be replicating the building in the Greensburg Yard unless there is a specific request. This is a high polycount item. I am now learning how to best manage polycount weight.
This is as simple as a module can get. Two tracks with a siding running east-west six blocks down from the Northern edge. It's a scenic canyon view.
If the track connection to your layout has a bump, try removing the spline and using the smoothing tool.
Just Some Paintshed Things i whaped together.
Industry smoke-stack
- 124 meters height
- smoking
- night position light
20 textures, designed for UK and European use, but many can be used pretty much anywhere.
A mixture of aggregates, ballasts, meadows, gorse, gravel, stone and rubble
kuid 10001-10020
Beta 3 of my layout. The layout has been extended by about 5 baseboards, Trafalgar has been designed and is almost complete (I removed some of the roads though...) and a few new industries have popped up.
The Eaos wagon adapted for TSR2004 only. Includes the load/unload functions. Need the Y25 Bogies (Kuid:74346:50002)
Version: 1.0.
Design: MS TrainStop
This pack contains 8 trees and 2 textures. Trees include 2 fir trees, 2 fire trees with smoke effects, 2 fire trees without smoke effects, 2 burnt trees and 2 textures (firegound and burnt ground).
FS TEE74 1'st class coach
UPDATED FILE This object is the forth object in the Greensburg Indiana NYC yard series. This tank was built shortly before 1912 and was still in use in the mid 1950�s. As I recall, the tank had over a 50,000 gal capacity. Of this I am not sure. It has always amazed me how these wooden tanks could last so long. Now days, metal tanks would only last a few years if no treated with corrosion resistant chemicals and paint. The polycount is abound 2000, however could be much reduced if I understood the alpha channel. ALL IN GOOD TIME.